How to Enable Additional Language in Store Manager for PrestaShop
Store Manager for PrestaShop user community embraces people of various nationalities who speak different languages and accordingly the application should be accessible and understandable for each of them. If the software contains functional capabilities you are looking for but its interface comes ina language you can hardly understand, most likely, it will be difficult to operate.
Therefore PrestaShop Store Manager comes with Localization functionality that makes your work with this application more comfortable allowing you to change its interface language. As a result, you will get main menu and commonly used features displayed in your native language.
Existing translation projects are being constantly improved as well as new languages are being added.
To get Store Manager interface displayed in a certain language, you should proceed with several simple actions. The overall procedure is described below in this article.
Download and Install Language Package
The languages are listed in the Application Language dropdown in the upper-left corner of Store Manager.
- Open the Preferences window via Main Menu -> Preferences or simply press F12 hotkey.
- Switch to Localization section provided in the list to the left. Here you can check what languages are available and percentage of translation done. Already activated languages are marked as “Installed”.
- Choose the language and hit “Activate Selected Language”, “OK”.

If translation for language you choose is not complete, you will get the message notifying you it and showing percentage of translation done. Words and phrases that have not been translated into this language will be displayed in default English. As for example, currently only 39% of Swedish translation is available. It means 39% of words and phrases (menu buttons, function names, etc) will come in Swedish, whereas the rest (not translated yet) will be shown in English. If you agree click on OK and the download process will start.
All the language packages, you have already installed, are displayed in the dropdown disposed in the upper-left corner of Store Manager application and you can quickly switch to language you need simply selecting it from the dropdown.
Store Manager for PrestaShop includes the ability to set multiple interface languages and swiftly switch between them what allows you to handle your PrestaShop store in your native language.
If Store Manager is not still not available in your native language and you want to proceed with translation contact us.
Tags: Store Manager for PrestaShop language, change Store Manager for PrestaShop language, Store Manager interface language
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