PrestaShop Reporting and Analytics
- Bestsellers, low stock products and other sales reports
- Get statistics of most viewed categories
- For multilingual stores get sales by country report
- Get more PrestaShop reports of any complexity
PrestaShop Report Samples

PrestaShop Analytic is the core factor of your future sales. You need to know the situation, check the reports regularly to make sure your strategy brings the best results for your future sales. Be aware of what your customers are looking for, how they act or how they will act in the future. Check the reports offered in Store Manager and find the one that helps you adjust your marketing plans or strategies in the best way.
We truly believe that report analysis and sales forecasting should be with you on every step of the way. We keep working on reports section and we would appreciate if you leave us your ideas on reports that would be helpful for you and all other users.

General Reports
Best Products, Categories, Customers, Suppliers, and Customers without shipping reports show you statistics per entities at your store.
The data generated by the report shows the products and categories your customers are looking for. Use this information to best adjust your inventory and meet your customer needs. Check the list of customers without shipping and top suppliers that provide you with the merchandise.

Custom Reports
Products number in categories, Products barcode labels (UPS and EAN), Combinations barcode labels (UPS and EAN), Product list, Customers Report, Best Customers Reports.
Generate barcode labels for your PrestaShop products. Make custom reports depending on your personal purposes (having basic SQL skills). Edit and design reports using a wide range of instruments.
Get a free trial to try reports now!

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Get more PrestaShop reports of any complexity!
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Import | Export | Inventory Management | Orders & POS | Reporting | Image Diagnostics | eBay | Amazon | USPS | QuickBooks | LookBook