Well-organized Point of Sale is an integral part of a productive marketing. Keeping that in mind, PrestaShop Store Manager developers continue to introduce the most necessary and useful enhancements to this section. One of most expected and recent ones is POSM till printing support. This innovation is a considerable contribution to Point of Sale management allowing to print PrestaShop receipts with the help of till printer in just few clicks.
Go to Store Manager Settings and select Preferences option. Alternatively you can simply press F12 hotkey.

Select from the list the receipt options. Here you are able to choose the printer to be used for receipt printing and size of a receipt sticker: 58 mm or 88 mm. Configure the printing settings and press OK.

After that go to Orders section and select the order with related receipt to be printed. Besides, PrestaShop Store Manager provides you with an opportunity to print receipts in bulk. If you click on the needed orders by simultaneously pressing Ctrl, all of these ones will be selected. Thus you will able to print all receipts related to these orders.

After selecting the orders, press Receipts button and check the before-printing options including:
- Save the file to computer;
- Export it to PDF;
- Send it by e-mail;
- Change sheet properties etc.

If you need to change sheet size or orientation, go to Page Settings.

After all necessary manipulations with the receipt are done, press Print to have the file printed.

Store Manager allows you to store, process and print PrestaShop receipts in one application and with no extra work. Till printing support feature can save much of your time which you would have to spend saving the receipts to computer in order to be able to print them. With Store Manager you will have a till printer right at your hand.
Print PrestaShop receipts using till printer! – Free Download
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