How to import PrestaShop products with IDs? This is a primary task when you are migrating your store, and IDs are a part of product URLs, for example. There may be other reasons to import products preserving their original IDs too. In this article, we’ll describe two approaches to solving this task.
Use the Force All ID Numbers option with default PrestaShop importer
PrestaShop default importer has the built-in option Force Product IDs. To use this option, log into your PrestaShop back office and navigate to Configure > Advanced Parameters > Import.
On the page, select the entity your want to import (Products), then select your file. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the option Force All ID Numbers. Switch the toggle to Yes.

Proceed with the import and in the next step check the mapping of fields. As you can see, not all fields are mapped automatically so you need to assign the field manually.
After all the fields are associated with the columns from the file, press Import and wait for the- process to complete.

In the course of import, PrestaShop will create products from the file with their original IDs and also create N/A products to fill in the gaps between the product IDs from your file.

Finally, you have to filter and delete the N/A products. Enter N/A in the Name filter and press Search. Select the filtered products, expand the Bulk Actions dropdown list, and click Delete Selection.

Limitations of the Force ID option
The default PrestaShop import tool doesn’t allow importing features and attributes. Therefore you can’t import variable products with combinations. You can import only simple products with original IDs.
PrestaShop default importer doesn’t have the automapping feature that’s why field mapping takes longer than expected.
Import PrestaShop products with IDs using Store Manager for PrestaShop
Store Manager for PrestaShop offers an alternative approach to importing PrestaShop products preserving IDs. The process includes several steps.
Store Manager is a downloadable application that enhances the default functionality with tools for bulk edits, advanced import/export, database backup, data generation, and others.
If you don’t have Store Manager yet, download a free trial and install it on your computer. Connect the application to your store database and enjoy the simplicity of your store administration.
Export PrestaShop products you want to migrate
Begin with exporting PrestaShop products via Store Manager for PrestaShop.
Read the detailed guide on how to export products via Store Manager for PrestaShop.
Open the file and in column Product ID, find the biggest product ID number. In our example, it’s ID 404:

Create dummy products to create necessary IDs via import
Now we have to create a new file with dummy products. In the file, we should create just one column – Product Name. This one field will be enough to create dummy products and IDs. Then we should populate the column with the name demo and the numbers from 1 to 404.

Import demo products to PrestaShop
With Store Manager open, navigate to Catalog&Products > Import/Export > Import/Export Products:

Select and preview the file with dummy products:

Proceed to step 7 and select Product Name as an identifier:

Complete the import and check created demo products with necessary IDs. As you can see, there were 404 products created and therefore, we now have IDs from 1-404 created.

Import file with real products and override dummy product data
Launch Store Manager for PrestaShop import wizard and select your export file with actual PrestaShop products.
In step 7, Assign csv Columns to Database Fields, pay attention to the settings Identify products by. This time you should select Product ID:

Preview the import data and pay attention to the settings in step 9 Import Options. If you want to create product attributes and features during import, select the corresponding checkboxes:

Complete the import and check the result in Store Manager. As you can see, the product details have been updated and real product data is now displayed:

Delete demo products
Do delete dummy products, expand the filter for the Product Name field and enter Dummy in the search field:

As you can see, Store Manager for PrestaShop offers an alternative approach to import PrestaShop products with IDs. Additionally, you can use flexible settings to import attributes and features. Automatic mapping of columns from the file to the database fields will save you time on import setup.
Share your experience in the comments: which approach worked for you, and did you face any difficulties? We’ll be happy to review your specific case and offer possible solutions.
Import products with IDs via Store Manager for PrestaShop
Download FREE trial
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