Planes y Precios de Store Manager para PrestaShop
Hemos desarrollado paquetes que se adapten mejor a sus necesidades comerciales. Elija Store Manager para PrestaShop Paquete y vea la diferencia en el siguiente cuadro de comparación.

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Para usuarios de Windows:
- PrestaShop v.8.x, 1.7.x, v.1.6.x
- Windows 11, 10, 8
- 4Gb RAM
- 1024×768 resolución de la pantalla y más alta
- Conexión al Internet
Para usuarios de Mac:
Tenga en cuenta que esto reduce el rendimiento de software Store Manager.
Puede utilizar los siguientes emuladores de PC compatibles:
Si desea ejecutar aplicaciones de Windows y Mac al mismo tiempo, sin reiniciar, puede instalar Windows utilizando VMware o el software Parallels.
Para Usuarios de Linux:
Para usuarios de Linux, recomendamos VirtualBox y Windows Installation; puede obtener más información en Por favor, tenga en cuenta que esto reduce el rendimiento del software de Store Manager.
¿Desea usar Store Manager para PrestaShop en más de una computadora? Obtenga una licencia adicional!

Licencia adicional para la Edición ESTÁNDAR

Licencia adicional para la Edición PROFESSIONAL
Opiniones de usuarios sobre Store Manager for PrestaShop
Pros: Free trial for up to 14 days Quick deployment Lots of features
Cons: I've only tried the free version so far. I have no reservations.
Reasons for Choosing Store Manager for PrestaShop: We needed a program that is simple and can be tried and tested first.”
I would recommend the tool if the day to day tasks with prestashop take a lot of your time.
What do you dislike? I haven't had any errors yet so I can't say anything bad.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? - Problems with orders. Items with images with the same name. Incomplete carriers.”
What do you dislike? - nothing to say about discomfort at the moment
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? - We are solving the problem of managing the product portfolio without having to access the website directly. Change of rules and massive price increases.”
Positive sides:
- works fast
- many functions
- convenience
- technical support that answers questions
- periodically updated and you have to pay for updated versions
- there are bugs, but they are not critical”
We are currently working day and night on this new version of SM and, sincerely, there is nothing that can compete against your solution for Prestashop. It’s powerful, flexible, nicely designed and really reliable in terms of stability and communication with Prestashop 1.7. Not mentioning the unbeatable price of this solution!...
A 4.8 stars rating would be the minimum for such an amazing solution. So, what could make it even better? I would say, the possibility to add some key buttons like the famous "Post change to web" or any other key function, ideally located in the top ribbon of the main screen, below, "Mass changers", "Export", etc...and, an updated version of the user manual.
Estoy encantado con ellos, y he comprado el producto.”
What do you dislike? - It doesn't look really easy to use at the first glance, but once you'll give it a try - you'll look no further.
Recommendations to others considering the product: - Download it. You'll have trial for 14 days. Once you'll try - you'll love it and you'll be saving tons of time. If you're creating a website - you need to start fast. Just do sales and business with the help of this software. Don't work manually with Prestashop. Trust me, I've made this mistake before I bought Store Manager.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? - Updates for product information and stock, POS (you can add orders manually if you need to do so). I believe I'll find other fantastic features provided by this software.”
The ease of performing bulk actions, and offline too! Prestashop's full capabilities are not within reach until you see how Store Manager makes life easier. This module has also invoicing functions that you can operate your physical store as well as online store.
What do you dislike?
Maybe the POS section can be a little more comprehensive. Other than that, not much else.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Try it out for 30 days; if it's the right fit, then you won't go wrong.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
Workload has decreased tremendously as Store Manager saves time by performing mundane tasks in one go. Simple thing that would take hours are now solved with few keystrokes, greatly improving productivity.”
I’ve been using the program for prestashop for around 4 years along with the eBay and amazon add on.
this program saves me a lot of time and effort with very powerful tools available with in the software
If you have a compatible shop this program is a must
Very easy to import new products with everything you would need to imported
What do you dislike?
Cannot really fault the program at all .
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Do it you won’t regret it it a great peice if software and will save you time and effort
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
Day to day running , mass product import”
Thank you very much, really, you make my job much easier with Store Manager.”
Per ora nulla di non risolvibile e i problemi che ho avuto sono stati molto veloci a risolvermeli. L'unico neo forse è che gli aggiornamenti e l'assistenza dopo un pò scadono e devi riacquistarli se vuoi aggiornare il programma.
assolutamente per importazione, velocità, utilizzo, semplicità e creazione mi molteplici attributi
Principalmente problemi di importazione sia in formato csv sia in xml. Mi hanno aiutato moltissimo e mi hanno permesso di importare i file dei miei fornitori in modo immediato. Cosa che prima non potevo fare nemmeno testando i vari moduli a pagamento.”
But now you just bulk select and change it straight away, voila - did take maybe 1minute to fix.
So the bulk edit feature is the best feature for us.
I would like to make it easier to add new products, easier than Prestashop.
Dont waste your time making changes manually, pay once and get many hours saved.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
It saved me alot of hours”
Recommendations to others considering the product:
A must for any large PrestaShop store.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
-time saver
- import export formats works great
- managing orders works quickly
_ adding products and categories works much faster.
- deleting a large number of products works like a dream.”
So im checking and seeing all it's functions”
A must have if you have a PrestaShop store.”
I love the whole app. The quick adding of products.
What do you dislike?
At this time i have no dislikes, maybe i have don't discovered it yet.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
Adding products.”
Everything is easy:
-creating categories, products
-moving categories, products
-editing categories and products ( bulk
-easy order follow through
It's an amazing job, this guys bring it to the next level.
IT was a hassle to connect the store, and from time to time I have to repeat the process, something happens. I do want to specify that I don't use their service of connecting through the cloud.
Easy moving products from categories, easy applying filters and features ( bulk ), easy reordering product display inside the category. Great software”
Programa de fácil utilização intuitiva e muito útil.
Pena o valor da aquisição.”
Et l'assistance par chat est vraiment très bien.
Félicitations à l'équipe de store Manager, je ne pourrais m'en passer, il ne faut pas hésiter à investir pour Store Manager, rien ne vaut Store Manager
Gain de temps , rapide, écran clair, modification facile et surtout import export sous excel un vrai plaisir.
Le service après vente et hot-line efficace.
Ils sont à votre écoute et cela jusqu'à ce que le problème soit résolu.
Cela vaut le coup de tester leur version d'essai.”
You have left us the review concerning Store Manager's price. Store Manager is all-in-one that contains multiple features gathered in one program. The software allows you to speed up your inventory by 150%, automatically update your products, manage customers and orders in bulk, integrate with multiple suppliers and systems. It includes the features of multiple modules. This in an investment that will quickly pay off in the future.
In any case, we always try to meet our clients' expectations and we have got 2 editions of Store Manager - Standard and PRO for businesses of different sizes.
Moreover, we often run promotions and offer the clients some deals -”
Concerning your questions, please, contact us via live chat or e-mail [email protected] and our support managers will gladly assist you.”
i am trying your software for my ecommerce.
the your software is very good.
i need create in automatic the invoice and delivery sLIP for my Italian carrier.
the italian carrier ask mandatory the volume and weight for each my shipping.
can I modify the your template (delivery template)?
can you help me ?
after this i can buy this software.
my enviroment is :
1 DataBase and 3 multistore in prestashop versione 1.6.1 .
Which is the correct software (standard or Professional) for my bussines.
if i will buy the professional solution can you add a special price ?
I will use only 1 user.
thanks for you support.
[email protected]”
The benefit using prestashop manager is incredible: you can speed up a lot any operation
and you can do bulk actions with only a click of your finger.
I reccomend it to anywhone who whants to make a serius shop: the cost is minimal and it will save you a lot of
trouble and, of course, money.”
Thank you for bringing this situation to our attention. Each review is important for us, even the one, describing negative experience.
Store Manager for PrestaShop is a paid application and this information is clearly outlined at our official website. Free 30-day trial version has been developed on purpose to allow users to test fully-functional Store Manager, check its features and decide whether the application suits you. Before testing you can check Store Manager price at This information is accessible to everyone, here is feature comparison and price specified.
Concerning fraudulent activity, we should assure you, Store Manager for PrestaShop as well as other eMagicOne products are 100% save, since they has been tested and checked for viruses from our side. This activity does not happen to users who download Store Manager from official website - We are on the market more than 10 years, so we value our reputation and our clients highly.”
1. das Programm lässt sich nicht installieren Fehlermeldung
2. entgegen der Behauptung es sei kostenfrei, ist nun nur eine 30 Tage Trial Version verfügbar, danach, kostet es dann wohl doch Geld. Das ist trügerisch.
3. Phishing Meldung des Email Clients, das ist nicht vertrauenswürdig
Thunderbird hält diese Nachricht für verdächtig!
Es könnte sein, dass die Nachricht zu einer betrügerischen Webseite führt, die eine andere Webseite optisch imitiert. Eventuell möchte man Ihnen sensible Daten stehlen (z.B. PIN, TAN, Benutzernamen, Passwörter, etc.).
Wollen Sie wirklich die folgende Webseite besuchen?
Aus diesem Grunde habe ich das Modul wieder deaktiviert und werde es nicht benutzen.
Gerd Schrode”
Save too much time”
I have 150+ new products that have come in this morning. In the old-fashioned way, that would take over 20 hours of work introducing them in my webshop. Now, I think I will manage in 5. Max. Can't wait. ”
This has literally saved my online store. It was becoming almost impossible (and very frustrating) with updating items on my store, I have thousands, it was literally taking a week to update them all. However, everything has changed dramatically using this software, I can complete the task in under an hour!
Everything is right in front of you, bulk updates, easy to navigate import options, SO MANY features! I was so excited once I realised how much this software can do for me. It's like having a group of assistants doing the work that would have taken weeks for me to complete! (Especially the customization tool!) I can set a task running and go off and do other more pressing tasks.
Thank you so much this has changed my way of working and completely reduced stress levels.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for this amazing software! Simply Brilliant.”
Qui si dimostrano i limiti del software web rispetto agli "antichi" programmi Client/Server transazionali.
StoreManager infatti è molto più veloce perchè può mettere in coda più modifiche al database MySQL, committandole tutte in un solo colpo.
Inoltre l'interfaccia è molto più usabilee completa : in questo modo per fare una modifica non dobbiamo perdere ore tra a saltare da una schermata all'altra, come con la dashboard PHP di PrestaShop.
Un vero 'must have'.”
Sono davvero molto soddisfatto di aver trovato un prodotto così perchè mi permette di gestire al meglio i prodotti, le categorie, gli ordini, i clienti, le newsletter e soprattutto permette di effettuare modifiche massive di cui il normale Prestashop è molto limitato; la cosa davvero impagabile è che tutte le modifiche avvengono davvero in un Click !!!...
Inoltre permette di lavorare sul sito direttamente dal BackOffice (qualità assolutamente eccezionale!!)
A livello gestionale, dunque, è davvero perfetto e quindi a mio avviso è il miglior prodotto che attualmente il mercato offre; lo consiglio certamente a chi mi chiederà informazioni e ritengo che sia l'acquisto più utile per la gestione del mio sito.
Consigliato al 100%”
Da Prestashop manager è possibile modificare sia gli articoli sia i contenuti del proprio sito Prestashop, permettendo di risparmiare una grande quantità di tempo. Consigliato!”
Zudem war es das Ziel eine geordnete Übersicht über alle Produkte zu erhalten.
Problem des Backoffice des Prestashop ist, dass der Server abstürzt, wenn zuviele Produktkombinationen erstellt werden.
All diese Dinge löst der Store Manager von eMagic One. Wir kaufen jetzt nach der 30 tägigen Testphase die Professionell Version um auch in Zukunft schnell und effizient arbeiten zu können.”
Il programma è progettato molto bene, la schermata è chiara ed è facilissimo comprendere come realizzare le varie attività senza seguire alcun manuale o corso. Grazie alle sue funzionalità è stato possibile inserire oltre 1000 prodotti in meno di una settimana, tutti manualmente, con descrizioni accurate, fotografie e manuali.
Il tutto senza usare lo strumento di importazione automatizzata che consente in pochi istanti di caricare migliaia di prodotti: questo strumento è infatti uno dei tanti strumenti compresi nel programma, utilissimo per importare set di prodotti di notevoli dimensioni memorizzati in archivi tipo fogli escel o CSV.
Il programma permette di gestire ogni dettaglio del Back Office di Prestashop: Prodotti, Categorie, Attributi, Produttori, Caratteristiche, Spedizioni ed ogni altro dettaglio.
Consente inoltre la modifica di gruppo degli articoli permettendo cioè di modificare in un colpo solo una descrizione, un prezzo, una quantità o altri parametri per un numero elevato di prodotti contemporaneamente.
Infine esso fornisce importantissimi strumenti come il backup ed il ripristino del database e l'accesso alle sue tabelle grazie al quale si possono effettuare modifiche che da BO è impossibile fare.
Direi che per chi deve gestire un sito professionale questo è non solo uno strumento indispensabile ma molto probabilmente il migliore”
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las ediciones ESTANDAR y PROFESIONAL?
Store Manager para PrestaShop está disponible en dos ediciones: Estándar y Profesional.La Edición Estándar tiene una funcionalidad ligeramente limitada y es adecuada para tiendas pequeñas y rutinas básicas de administración de inventario. Puede instalar software en una computadora y administrar hasta una tienda basada en PrestaShop usando esta versión de Store Manager.
La Edición Profesional es ilimitada en cantidad de tiendas que puede administrar y productos que puede cargar. Tiene un diagnóstico de tienda básico que permite encontrar problemas relacionados con las imágenes del producto. Edición Profesional incluye una licencia adicional gratuita, por lo que al comprar esta versión obtiene dos licencias a la vez y, por lo tanto, puede instalar y usar software en dos computadoras.
Consulte la comparación de las ediciones de Store Manager para Prestashop en la tabla anterior.
¿Qué es Licencia Principal y Licencia Adicional?
La licencia principal se emite para permitir el uso de Store Manager para PrestaShop en una sola computadora.Licencia Adicional se emite para que la aplicación se use en una computadora adicional al recibir la Licencia principal.
Averigüe cuál es la diferencia entre Store Manager Licencia Principal (Completa) y Adicional.
La Edición Estándar tiene una funcionalidad ligeramente limitada y es adecuada para tiendas pequeñas y rutinas básicas de administración de inventario. Puede instalar software en una computadora y administrar una tienda basada en PrestaShop usando esta versión de Store Manager.
La Edición Profesional es ilimitada en cantidad de tiendas que puede administrar y productos que puede cargar. Tiene un diagnóstico de tienda básico que permite encontrar problemas relacionados con las imágenes del producto. La Edición Profesional incluye una licencia adicional gratuita, por lo que al comprar esta versión obtiene dos licencias a la vez y, por lo tanto, puede instalar y usar software en dos computadoras.
Consulte la comparación de las ediciones de Store Manager para PrestaShop en la tabla anterior.
¿Cuántos sitios web se puede gestionar con una sola licencia de administrador de tienda?
Ofrecemos 2 ediciones de Store Manager para PrestaShop: Standard y PRO.La edición estándar de Store Manager para PrestaShop permite administrar 1 tienda / base de datos, configurando solo 1 conexión de base de datos.
La edición profesional de Store Manager para PrestaShop permite administrar un número ilimitado de tiendas basadas en PrestaShop utilizando la licencia única.
¿Qué licencias incluye Paquete Business?
El paquete Business incluye Store Manager para las licencias de PrestaShop PRO, 4 licencias adicionales y servicios adicionales.
Al ordenar estos artículos por separado, el total sería: 1 licencia principal, edición PRO + 3 licencias adicionales, edición PRO + 4 complementos + 2 horas de formación personal + 2 horas de asistencia técnica